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  • Writer's pictureNoemi

Creative Minds

As children we are taught that we must follow a certain path in life in order to be successful. This path for the most part involves a college degree, marriage, a mortgage, and children, in that order typically. Let’s be real, life doesn’t play out that way for most of us. Some don’t follow the order, but stick to the plan, some don’t follow the plan at all. I personally had my entire life plan

ned; I graduated high school, went to college, and as I ended my 2nd year of community college I got pregnant with TWINS. Yea, my 19-year-old self was ecstatic, I can’t begin to describe it. In my early twenties I automatically graced those with a college degree with more value, I though, hey they went to college and followed “the path.” Fast forward 10 years and although I think going to college is great and hats off to those who follow through, it isn’t the highest and mightiest of virtues. I mean, what is success? Is it money? Happiness? As children what is the definition of success that we are given? Do we still hold truth to that? I don’t. I honestly value happiness over many, many things. That is my definition of a rich and fulfilled life, happiness. What makes people happy? I guess one can argue that varies from person to person as we all have a different sense of reality. I see those that have stepped out of the box and are chasing their dreams and I know how much courage that takes. It takes a lot for someone to decide to leave the corporate world to do what they love, it is scary. We have been told to work and pay the bills regardless of where our “happiness meter” lies since youth. To quit a job and decide to pursue a dream is brave, to be vulnerable is brave, to decide to make something out of nothing is even braver. It is truly a beautiful thing to see my IG feed full of creative minds pursuing something that their soul loves. Your support means everything to someone who took a leap of faith. That is why supporting those creative minds is so important. Supporting your friend who just started a business will not do any harm to you, but I can guarantee that a sweet comment or purchase will bring them joy. When you support a small business, you’re supporting a dream, a passion, encouraging creative minds to step out of the box. There is so much value in supporting small businesses besides helping the local economy. As a new self-proclaimed “blogger” I encourage you to visit your friends’ new shop, to like their pictures, HYPE THEM UP! Stepping out of the box is not an easy thing to do, lets show support to those beautiful creative minds who are stepping out of the box and pursuing their dreams. I see you and I appreciate you!


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